Monday, November 21, 2005

Jaywalking 101

If you are living in the UAE, there are 5 basic rules you should follow when traveling on foot (read jaywalking):

  1. Pavements are there to beautify the city. Avoid walking on them whenever possible. You do not want to spoil them.
  2. The road belongs to either you or your father. You can therefore use it any time, any how and any way you want it. Even if that means walking in the middle of the road that is technically meant for cars.
  3. Standing and staring at a red pedestrian signal is a waste of time. You have better things to do; such as walking.
  4. Zebra crossings are meant just for that: crossing the road. Then why on Earth should you look both sides to see if it is safe to cross?
  5. If there is a group of people crossing the road, wait for that group to reach the other end and for the cars patiently waiting to being to move. Then you can start to cross. It is a zebra crossing after all. It was meant for you to cross and the cars to stop - maybe for eternity.

If you follow these simple rules, you will have mastered the art of jaywalking. Trust me.

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