Tuesday, December 06, 2005

The Internet is full of crap

A report published in Hindustan Times reveals that more and more people in America are logging onto the Internet - in the loo. The Internet has change our society so much. It has made us crazier that we were 10 years ago. It is really freaky.

Monday, December 05, 2005

Get paid to walk?

Isn't it funny that a car maker - Mazda - is recommending its employees to walk to the office rather than drive? And it doesn't stop there. The company pays $12 to those that walk to office.

Now what if my office came up with that. Walking from Deira to Media City... Hmmm. Can I use a bicycle?

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Trends in UAE blogs

Mahmood has posted an insightful analysis of the trends or themes of most UAE bloggers. He says most bloggers in UAE bitch about how bad life is in the UAE.

The Emirates is more of an expat scene with continuous bitching on how bad life is in the Emirates and how brain-dead Aeraabs are as well as how smelly and uncouth Indians and Pakis are and how oh how mundane and boooaring this expat life is and how they want permaent membership in the "clooob" and have to live in lurvly Jumaira beach area. There are a few more blogs written by locals, but I fail to find a trend really. They are all over the spectrum but seem to be united in their feeling of superiority.

I totally agree with him. Most English language bloggers in the UAE are so damned serious. Where is the fun in blogging? Sometimes it is really depressing to read their blogs. I mean come on guys, we do have good times here too. Why don't you write about that?

Saturday, December 03, 2005

A good wank ;)

Are men that lazy that they would need assistance of a machine to wank their rods?

Only in Japan would you find a machine to wank your rod for you. Don't believe me? Check it out.

Hmmm. Let me see. How much would you have to pay me to put my Peter into that machine?

Friday, December 02, 2005


A certain person looking for business investors contacted me. He said he got my email address from my website. Upon inquiring the name of the website (X.com) I found I had nothing to do with it. I don't own that company nor have I designed that site! But that person insisted that he got my email address from (X.com).

It turned out that my email address was in fact mentioned on their "contact us" form. Upon further investigation I realized that (X.com) had outsourced their web design to (Y.com) - whose website I had designed a long time ago. (Y.com) had copied bits and pieces of my code without my permission. And if that was not enough they did such a bad job of copying my work that my email address was blatantly exposed for the whole world to see!

I have sent (X.com) a polite email explaining the situation and have asked them to remove my email address from their site. Let's see if they reply. Sigh.

Etisalat's antics

Can someone please tell the decision makers at Etisalat how silly they look in the press? They have just announced plans to purchase Guardian - a system that will block VoIP packets passing through their network. Basically this means Skype and similar software will not function for anyone forced to use their proxy.

First the proxy and now this. According to Wikipedia, it costs Etisalat a whooping AED9 million to enforce restrictions. Getting rid of the proxy will automatically increase their revenues by 9 million.

Etisalat uses the American company SecureComputing, similarly to other GCC nations. They purchase lists of websites as classified by the SecureComputing company. According to TimeOut magazine, Dubai, the UAE government pays 9,549,800 AED each year to the SecureComputing company, the equivelant of 2.6 Million US Dollars, (this is worked out at the rate of 2$ USD per connection).

I don't know how much Guardian will cost them but I am sure it will be within that price range. Funny how their expenses may be balancing their losses.